Let a trusted billing partner help you get paid faster, with fewer write offs, so you can focus on your patients

Our Credentials
100-million collected for dental billing clients

We increase your revenue
while reducing your cost.

Our end-to-end billing and accounting services are HIPAA compliant, adhere to HITECH, and are patient friendly

We focus all of our energy on perfecting the revenue cycle services we provide you.

Key Performance Measures

Collections Rate

Accurio: 98%

Industry 90%

Insurance AR Follow Up

Accurio: 30 Days

Industry: 45-60 days

Cost to Collect

Accurio < 5.0%

Industry 8-10%

Why Choose Us?

Trusted by more than 500 practitioners...and counting.

Ready to connect? Let us help you grow your practice!

Claims posted within 24 hours

We post your claims within 24 hours of receipt.

Staff and patient friendly

Your staff can focus on your patients, and your schedule

Low risk, no investment required

Low risk: no new software, and a month-to-month contract.


Trusted by over 500 practitioners and counting

Patients are more likely to accept treatment plans when they know what it will cost them. Having insurance verified accurately by Accurio several days before service is enormously valuable. With this in place with Accurio, my staff can confidently focus on patient care and satisfaction.
CFO of a DSO
Managing the AR of a fast growing DSO (35 offices and counting!) is a challenging task. Having Accurio as part of our team makes scaling our revenue cycle possible. They are accessible, accountable, and dedicated to us as their customer.
Dr. Harris (Dentist)
The less insurance verification, collections, billing, and credentialing that my staff have to do, the more we can focus on patient care and satisfaction. Accurio has been a tremendously valuable addition to our team.
Samantha (Regional Manager)
It is a huge relief to have my practice's billing done by a dedicated, professional team outside of my office. Accurio gives my staff the ability to focus entirely on our patients.
Dr. Fridgen (Large Practice Owner)
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